Sermons (322)
門外站着的是誰? |
Acts 12:1-17 . |
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Preached by 夏维柱长老 on September 21, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
蒙恩的跟隨者 |
Exodus 33:12-17 . |
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Preached by 梁潔瓊博士 on September 14, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
漏症令人羞愧? |
Leviticus 15:1-36 . |
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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on September 7, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
信心和順服的楷模 |
1 Chronicles 14:8-17 . |
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Preached by 夏维柱长老 on August 31, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
皮膚病,不可小看 |
Leviticus 13:1-14:54 . |
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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on August 24, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
使徒約翰的職事 —闡明基督是那「生命之道 |
1 John 1:1-4 . |
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Preached by 林三綱長老 on August 17, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
古今作月子 |
Leviticus 12:1-7 . |
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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on August 10, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
有福的人 |
Psalm 1:1-6 . |
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Preached by 黃錦祥牧師 on August 3, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
耶穌是生命的糧 |
John 6:48-69 . |
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Preached by 陳信銘牧師 on July 27, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
令耶稣希奇的信心 |
Matthew 8:5-13 . |
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Preached by 夏维柱长老 on July 20, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |