Sermons (196)
戰兢,如臨深淵 |
Leviticus 9:22-10:20 . |
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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on June 8, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
引進基督的人 |
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Preached by 林三綱長老 on June 1, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
基督徒的自由:知識與愛心的平衡 |
1 Corinthians 8:1-13 . |
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Preached by 夏维柱长老 on May 25, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
作見證,成爲信息 |
Leviticus 8:1-9:1 . |
Preached by 吳啟政長老 on May 18, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
母親的傳家寶 |
Matthew 20:17-28 . |
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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on May 11, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
神所尊重的人 |
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Preached by 林三綱長老 on May 4, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
盼望……靈魂和生活的錨 |
Hebrews 6:19 . |
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Preached by 夏维柱长老 on April 27, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
木匠拉比;君王祭司 |
Mark 16:1-20 . |
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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on April 20, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
谁能居住在耶和华的圣山呢 |
Psalm 15:1-2 . |
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Preached by 李靈牧師 on April 13, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
忍不忍有關係 |
1 Thessalonians 3:1-13 . |
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Preached by 劉孝勇牧師 on April 6, 2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |