
Active filter: Preacher: 任軍牧師 (x)
Book: Genesis (2), Exodus (2), Leviticus (1), Numbers (1), Deuteronomy (1), Joshua (6), 1 Samuel (1), 2 Kings (1), 1 Chronicles (2), Ezra (1), Nehemiah (3), Psalm (10), Proverbs (2), Isaiah (1), Ezekiel (1), Jonah (1), Habakkuk (1), Matthew (2), Mark (2), Luke (6), John (14), Acts (3), Romans (1), 1 Corinthians (16), Ephesians (4), Hebrews (1), 1 John (1), Revelation (6).
Service: Sunday Afternoon (77), 主日敬拜 (18), Special event (2).
Date: 2011 (12), 2012 (11), 2013 (13), 2015 (17), 2016 (14), 2017 (15), 2018 (14), 2019 (1)

Sermons (97)

Psalm 105:7-11 .

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Preached by 任軍牧師 on August 30, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon).
Genesis 17:19-21 .

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Preached by 任軍牧師 on August 16, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon).
Psalm 84:1-12 .

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Preached by 任軍牧師 on July 26, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon).
巴蘭、他的驢子和以色列的 神
Numbers 22:21-35 .

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Preached by 任軍牧師 on July 19, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon).
Deuteronomy 6:3-5 .

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Preached by 任軍牧師 on June 14, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon).
Acts 2:37-42 .

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Preached by 任軍牧師 on May 31, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon).
Psalm 126:1-6 .

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Preached by 任軍牧師 on May 17, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon).
Ezekiel 36:24-30 .

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Preached by 任軍牧師 on April 19, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon).
Psalm 130:1-8 .

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Preached by 任軍牧師 on April 12, 2015 (Special event).

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Preached by 任軍牧師 on March 1, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon).