Sermons (143)
風雨中的寧靜 |
Revelation 12:7-17 . |
Preached by 吳啟政長老 on September 13, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon). |
天上厚賞;地上大戰 |
Revelation 11:15-12:6 . |
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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on August 23, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon). |
悲天憫人 |
Revelation 11:1-13 . |
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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on August 9, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon). |
大天使和小書卷 |
Revelation 10:1-11 . |
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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on August 2, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon). |
魔鬼門徒,執迷不悟 |
Revelation 8:13-9:21 . |
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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on July 5, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon). |
耶和華的心 |
Revelation 8:7-12 . |
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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on June 28, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon). |
為父的心 |
Revelation 8:1-5 . |
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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on June 21, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon). |
母愛如死之堅強 |
Hebrews 11:35 . |
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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on May 10, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon). |
復活的記號 |
Revelation 7:1-17 . |
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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on March 29, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon). |
審判開始了 |
Revelation 6:1-15 . |
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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on March 8, 2015 (Sunday Afternoon). |