
Active filter: Service: 主日敬拜 (x)
Book: Genesis (1), Deuteronomy (1), Joshua (14), Judges (2), 1 Samuel (1), Ezra (6), Nehemiah (6), Psalm (13), Isaiah (1), Daniel (2), Jonah (1), Matthew (12), Luke (8), John (15), Acts (15), 1 Corinthians (1), Ephesians (15), Philippians (1), Colossians (1), 1 John (11), 3 John (1), Revelation (1).
Date: 2017 (19), 2018 (47), 2019 (45), 2020 (13)

Sermons (124)

祢榮耀之名 是應當稱頌的
Nehemiah 9:1-6 .
Preached by 夏维柱长老 on July 22, 2018 (主日敬拜).
Nehemiah 6:1-19 .

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Preached by 任軍牧師 on July 15, 2018 (主日敬拜).
Nehemiah 5:1-13 .

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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on July 8, 2018 (主日敬拜).
Nehemiah 4:1-23 .

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Preached by 任軍牧師 on July 1, 2018 (主日敬拜).
Nehemiah 2:11-20 .

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Preached by 夏维柱长老 on June 24, 2018 (主日敬拜).
Genesis 2:18-25 .

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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on June 17, 2018 (主日敬拜).
Ezra 10:1-11 .

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Preached by 謝小樂弟兄 on May 27, 2018 (主日敬拜).
Ezra 9:1-15 .

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Preached by 夏维柱长老 on May 20, 2018 (主日敬拜).
1 Samuel 1:21-28 .
Preached by 任軍牧師 on May 13, 2018 (主日敬拜).
Ezra 4:1-6 .

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Preached by 吳啟政長老 on May 6, 2018 (主日敬拜).