
Active filter: Preacher: Jake Bates (x) , Series: 羅馬書系列 (x)
Book: 1 Samuel (1), John (1), 1 Peter (1).
Service: Sunday Youth (2), Sunday Afternoon (2).
Date: 2011 (2), 2012 (2)

Sermons (4)


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Preached by Jake Bates on September 2, 2012 (Sunday Afternoon).
1 Peter 1:3-9 .

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Preached by Jake Bates on March 18, 2012 (Sunday Afternoon).
Youth Sermon
1 Samuel 1:1-28 .

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Preached by Jake Bates on May 8, 2011 (Sunday Youth).
Youth Sermon
John 17:24-26 .

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Preached by Jake Bates on April 17, 2011 (Sunday Youth).