I have a lot of good news to share!

First, we’re almost done moving into our new space.  The whole church family came together to pack and move everything ourselves.

Amazingly, we pulled all of this together in only a week.  There was a mad dash to get everything done.  Thank God for providing people who were willing to help and providing us with a flatbed truck.  Our first service in the new building will be a dedication and baptism service, this Sunday, May 15!

Next, a lot of progress has been made with  the education center.  We have partnered locally with some friends in Taiwan.  Now, the planning is in high gear and there is a plan to launch a reorganized Aroma.  We are excited and nervous for the changes.

Finally, this will be my last regular update.  Through Envision, I served at this site in Taipei for over a  year.  God opened up an opportunity to continue with Envision in another role.  While working in Taipei, we worked with the International Financial Accountant from the national office.  I have now taken over that role.  I am glad I will continue to work with people from Taipei.  I will now be able to work with people from all of Envision’s sites.  This is a great opportunity to utilize my gifts and talents while still directly supporting international missions.  I will be working remotely from Taiwan for a while, and then transitioning back to the US.

Thank you all for your continued prayer and support.  This year has been a testimony to what God can do.  I hope this is tangible evidence for how God can work in your own life.  This is what God is doing in the world and we can all partner in it through different ways.